Main Graphics is dedicated to being a leader in quality, precision, and accuracy. These qualities have set us apart from our competition and proved excellence among the local and industry leading organizations from which we participate.
G7 Certified
Print buyers, agencies and marketers want to be able to make things “look the same,” regardless of where or how they’re printed. G7 is an improved method for matching color across multiple devices. It’s all about calibrating printing presses and proofing systems with the goal of repeatable, consistent color and images from proof to press, press to press and even facility to facility. The G7 specification is managed by IDEAlliance, and the biggest breakthrough is its emphasis on gray balance “target values” to monitor and control color. The ‘G’ stands for the new calibrating Gray values and the ‘7’ for the core colors in our ISO printing rainbow: Cyan (C), Magenta (M), Yellow (Y), Black (K), Red (M+Y), Green (C+Y) and Blue (C+M). For print buyers, G7 means that if you are working with two or three firms – say one in New Hampshire, one in Chicago and one in Texas – and all of them are G7 Masters, you can be more confident that the vibrant reds and yellows in your new marketing campaign will “visually match” across all three locations, regardless of whether it’s printed heatset web offset, sheetfed, inkjet or digital … and whether it’s a point-of-purchase display, brochure, self-mailer or packaging. G7 has proven to be very adaptable and reliable across many printing processes, though I think you’ll find it most widely adopted in sheetfed shops right now. I can tell you that at Concord Litho, it’s getting us to color faster and more reliably on both our sheetfed and web presses, which is saving makeready time, reducing paper waste, and, best of all, making our customers happy. Three of our most color-conscious customers have raved about what their product looks like now compared to a year ago. What You Can Do? By choosing a printer that is GRACoL® 7 (G7) certified, you can know that your work is printed to the highest standards of quality and consistency. For more information about GRACoL® 7 (G7), contact your Broudy representative or visit
American Printing Magazine
Recognized by “American Printing” magazine for “green” printing commitment. American Printer’s mission is to be the most reliable and authoritative source of information on integrating tomorrow’s technology with today’s management challenges. Its editorial provides pertinent coverage of product introductions and industry trends, and real-life strategies for boosting productivity and profitability. Every issue features industry news, new products and informative articles on management, prepress, press and postpress issues. In addition to Katherine O’Brien’s editorial, its expert columnists include Dick Gorelick, Dick Vinocur and Steve Johnson.
Orange County Business Journal
Awarded top 30 Orange County Printers, for 5 years running. Each week, the Orange County Business Journal delivers the most complete package of news and information on Orange County’s companies, industries and businesspeople. It is comprehensive, authoritative, concise and entertaining. Presented in a lively and accessible format, the Business Journal is required reading for Orange County executives, managers and professionals—written in an up-tempo, breezy style that reveals the drama, excitement and fun in business. Through this website you can subscribe to the print edition of the Journal, renew your subscription, read this week’s issue online, search the archives, contact our staff, or visit one of our sister publications.
Quick Printing Magazine
Named Top 100 Nationally for 5 years running. Quick Printing is the monthly magazine for quick printers, small commercial printers, in-plant printers, and copy shop owners and managers. It is the oldest and largest monthly magazine for this industry. Editorial focuses on improving efficiency and increasing sales and profits in the print shop. And, the magazine offers monthly columns written by industry experts who share their ideas and technical knowledge on ways to improve operations.
CPrint International
Numerous Sales and Management Awards for overall best practices for the printing industry. Who Joins CPrint? Practically all shops in CPrint® have 20 or fewer workers, most are in the 4 to 12 range (including owners) – although some are bigger and some smaller. Sales are anywhere from $200,000 to over $3 million, but mostly in the $300,000 – $1.2 million range. All of the shops we work with are owner-managed. Most have a single location – although some have a second. Most opened in the 1980’s or 1970’s although several were opened more recently and a few go back many generations. And about half have other members of the family involved in the business on a daily basis – whether spouse, child or parent. And again, importantly, none of the CPrint® affiliates compete with each other in commerce. Therefore, we can share freely and openly – train our people together – and deal with the real issues of our business and family life.